Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Powerful beyond Meaure

Titles of blog entries frighten me. I'm just not sure how to relate a title to my mindless ramblings. For that matter, I'm now pondering why I would exert the effort to create a blog. I think I'll do it to keep my family and friends informed. Perhaps it's worth reminding myself that my words will not change the course of history. I am too concerned, at times, with sounding profound. In reality, I could string a bunch of deeply meaning words together and superficially make myself sound like I'm searching the many layers of my soul. In reality, I only do things like that to make myself look and seem smarter than I am. I still use to look up the words these college kids say to me.

Update: I recently undertook the task of painting my apartment. Well, just the living room. Now, I'm tired of it and not quite done. Does it look really bad to leave it partially incomplete? I'm tired. I stayed up painting the trim until really late. Don't judge me for lack thoroughness right now. I need a nap. Maybe I'll feel more determined tomorrow.

1 comment:

Rose Simmons said...

I don't think of you as someone who gives up easily...especially when challenged. I think you are just over tired right now. And, your ramblings were really quite smart sounding and really intelligent. Must be paying off all those dictionary lookups.

Love you bunches.