Thursday, December 18, 2008

back to back

I have a bad habit of overbooking myself.  And, I like to deceive myself into believing that I manage my time well.  But, I can take yesterday as a fine example of how I can exhaust myself because I can't say no.

Work was pretty busy, as we are preparing to close down our part of the College for the Christmas season.  I left work to go to dinner with some friends.  It was first trip to the local Indian restaurant.  I left dinner, running late, to head with some other friends to the University of Memphis basketball game.  That game left me a little queasy.  I still can't figure out if that's because of the Indian food or the fact that Memphis held on to a win a game when they should have stomped on their opponent like an 18 wheeler would roll over a Prius.  So, I got back to the apartment around 10...the time that I like to wind down and relax.  But, no, instead I agree to go on a ghost hunt around campus.  The ghosts were sleeping or not in a mood to play.  I got home late and woke up early to get some things done this morning.  And, now, I'm going to rely on some strong coffee to help me make it through the day.

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