Thursday, February 7, 2008

still here...

So, the past week has taught me how much I love crisis management. It started about ten days ago when I was returning to my apartment, only to be stopped by Campus Safety and have them tell me that there were armed robberies within a block of school. News reports (Click Here) exaggerate the situation a little, but there was still concern. The suspects in question were caught a week ago.

Then, on Super Tuesday, we faced a series of dangerous and deadly storms racing across the midwest and into the southeast. (Here are blog accounts from two of our students: Tyler and Sarah.) Union University, which is about an hour from us, suffered a lot of damage. Reports are indicating that 80% of their residence halls were damaged or destroyed. (Pictures worth looking at here!) Watching the radar, with the circular winds indicated on the screen can freak you out. I thought we were sure to get swept up a few times. My colleague, Traci, was driving home to Mississippi and looked through some trees to see a funnel cloud headed at her. She was on the phone with her husband who was telling her to calm down. I don't think she appreicated that as she was litterally watching a tornado heading for her car. She's okay and was at work the next morning.

Regardless of the threat, I think that I'm at my best in these high pressure situations. My parents will tell you that I need to destress and talk through my emotions after the crisis has passed. But, in the moment, that's when I'm at my best.

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