Thursday, October 23, 2008

right vs. right

I think I worry too much about saying things in the right way rather than saying the right thing. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but....

I think that we live in a culture that tries to see too much behind what a person is saying. Perhaps, that's because too few people make themselves transparent and even fewer actually say what they truly mean to say. I'm guilty. I distinctly remember a time in my life when I played these mind games where I would say something (that I didn't really mean) in order to evoke a reaction or a primed response.

I think I'm even guilty of believing that this a new concept to my generation. In fact, it's probably been around for centuries. Maybe that's why Jesus spoke in parables. Because the disciples were looking for something deeper than His words provided.

Whether I'm naive or just not that deep, I'm ready for a shift to the organic. Real and true cultivated relationships, where you don't wonder what the other person meant when they asked if you wanted a regular coffee or a latte.

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