Wednesday, May 7, 2008

the sweetest thing

I enjoy this week.  At Rhodes, we call it Senior Week.  It's that precious time between the end of exams and graduation.  It's a time when many of the stresses of my job disappear and are replaced by the sweet moments of reflection and contemplation from the graduating class.  It's a unique blend of joy and sorrow.  

I'm fortunate for being here.  The Lord brought me to Rhodes 2 1/2 years ago for reasons like this week.  To have lunch with kids who are so amazing and don't even realize it.  To chat with the future CEOs and cancer-curers and advocates for the forgotten.  To know a glimpse of who they are now and how this experience at Rhodes will lead them on to great futures.  To listen to students talk about how priorities have changed in four years from being popular and involved in a lot of things to doing a few things and doing them well...and doing them because they hold a purpose for yourself.  To redefining what success truly is.  And, to discovering that ONE thing.

Yesterday I went to the Zoo.  It's across the street.  There are great animals.  Lots of them.  I'm not sure how I feel about these animals being put on display for the enjoyment of others.  That's something that I'm still considering.  In the mean time, here's a 
picture for you!

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